Dr. Neubauer PRESSURE BOXEnlarge

The PRESSURE BOX maintains the speed glue effect of tuned rubbers (such as our ‘Dr Neubauer Domination Tuned’) over a long period of time and even increases the effect while creating higher pressure. The whole bat needs to be placed into the PRESSURE BOX on a regular basis which can then be inflated with the small hand pump (included with every order).

A small pressure of 0.5 or 1 bar maintains the dynamic speed glue effect of your tuned rubbers for several months running. The speed can be further enhanced by adjusting a higher pressure of 1,5 - 2 bar. The PRESSURE BOX only uses compressed air and is therefore compatible with new ITTF regulations.

Instructions: Simply put the whole bat (with the rubbers glued on) in the PRESSURE BOX on a regular basis and close it firmly by tightening the 6 screws. Then connect the hand pump to the valve and pump in air until you reach a pressure between 0.5 and 2 bar. The actual pressure inside the PRESSURE BOX can be seen on the manometer: - 0.5 to 1 bar: The speed glue effect of tuned rubbers is being maintained for a long period of time (up to 6 months) - 1 to 2 bar: The speed glue effect of tuned rubbers is being maintained and even enhanced We discourage to exceed a pressure of 2 bar.

Therefore the usual gluing procedure becomes redundant (except for the first gluing of the rubber onto the blade).

Dr Neubauer PRESSURE BOX: The clean alternative for speed gluing!

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